Sunday, February 27, 2011

Making HERSHEY'S Chocolate Sour Cream Cake Recipe/Review

Chocolate Sour Cream Cake! It look so beautiful! This is how it looks like sitting in the fridge after about 2 hours.
I make this cake with my dear Ah ma for her sweetheart birthday! She choose the recipe from Hershey website, bought the ingredient and came my house to make! Its so much fun making cake together!

We couldnt find Hershey's cocoa powder and thus bought Vanhouten cocoa powder. The smell aren't as fragrant as Hershey's but it came out as a good replacement of Hershey's cocoa powder.

This cake is a very rich cake. She decide to reduce the sugar level from 395g to 350g. Cake came out really moist, rich and delicious! Maybe next round if i wanted to remake this I would put less sugar. However if lessen too much then it will also affect the texture of the cake.

Turn out that the quantity of the cake is pretty big and fits into 2 size 8inch square pan. If you only want to make 1 pan, then perhaps you could half the quantity.

When ah ma choose the recipe i was rather apprehensive as I never use sour cream before and this recipe require about 500g sour cream. I was worried that the cake will turn out too sour. However although we use a lot of sour cream, I couldn't taste any sourness on the cake! My friend was rather puzzled by this especially when sour cream is really costly in cold storage. She bought 4 bottle today and it already cost RM32! The taste of sour cream almost tasted like sugarless yogurt. Perhaps i might experiment and replace with yogurt next time as they cost cheaper.

The frosting on the other hand turn out to be too sweet. Perhaps next round would reduce the sugar from 150g to 120g. And for some reason i still could taste slight icing sugar texture in the frosting although we have blended quiet long. First time i made chocolate fudge frosting and i must say its very interesting! I belief the frosting can even be use to drizzle on ice cream!

Recipe take from Hershey's website.


    * 195g all-purpose flour
    * 350g sugar
    * 85g HERSHEY'S Cocoa
    * 1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
    * 1 teaspoon salt
    * 150g butter or margarine, softened
    * 1 container (16 oz.) dairy sour cream (About 500g)
    * 2 eggs
    * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    * FUDGE FROSTING (recipe follows)


   1. Heat oven to 350°F/177 Celcius. Grease and flour 13x9x2-inch baking pan. I use a 8 inch square pan x 2.

   2. Stir together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt in large bowl. Add butter, sour cream, eggs and vanilla; beat on medium speed of mixer 3 minutes. Pour batter into prepared pan.

   3. Bake 40 to 45 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack. Frost with FUDGE FROSTING. 12 to 15 servings.


      42.53g butter or margarine
      40g HERSHEY'S Cocoa
      150g powdered sugar -150
      2 to 3 tablespoons milk
      1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

      Melt butter in small saucepan over low heat. Add cocoa; cook, stirring constantly, just until mixture begins to boil. Pour mixture into medium bowl; cool completely. Add powdered sugar alternately with milk to cocoa mixture, beating to spreading consistency. Stir in vanilla. About 1 cup frosting.

How the batter look like after mixing. Pour into square pan!
Good thing bought 2 pan that day and its same size. Lucky!

Bake for about 45mins! The cake rise and flatten when its off the heat which is why there is cracking. The cake already look so beautiful!

Waited 2 hours for the cake to cool. After that prepared the frosting, cut the cake into half. Picture shows cream on the cake. Then cover with another layer of the cake.
After putting the top layer, cream with the frosting on top and side. I line the bottom with plastic and make it easier to transfer on serving plate. The cake is a beauty!

Awesome Hershey Chocolate-Filled Cream Puffs Review/Recipe

13 pcs of Cream puff beautifully assembled! The result better than me and ahma's expectation!

Make this with my friend ah ma for her mum bday and its was a smashing success! It exceed even our own expectation base on outlook and taste. She choose the recipe and leaving it to me I wont have choose this recipe. Thats the good thing about brainstorming and working with other ppl to make dessert. I love making dessert from new recipe. You will never know how ur product look like till the end.

The shape is rather interesting. Just 1 spoon of the batter and it could puff up a lot. When i slice it the interesting part is that inside there is a few holes suitable to put cream inside. Inside is quiet empty.

Check out how the chocolate sauce ooze out? It look amazing and taste heavenly too. I will definitely try this again.

I make some minor changes to the recipe and convert almost all the measurement to gram. I also skip the Chocolate Glaze and replace with drizzling these babies with icing sugar. Chocolate Glaze look kind of messy in Hershey's picture and icing sugar look more elegant.

It is rated as advance in Hershey website but i would say that it is really easy to make and we feel that its even easier to make compare with making a chocolate cake! Preparation time is really short and we spend time on waiting for it to bake and waiting for the cream to chill.

For the original Hershey recipe. Another similar recipe that I am looking at is Chocolate Mousse-Filled Cream Puffs from Hershey website too.


    * CHOCOLATE CREAM FILLING (recipe follows)
    * 1 cup water
    * 113.4g butter or margarine
    * 1/4 teaspoon salt
    * 110g all-purpose flour - 110
    * 4 eggs



   2. Heat oven to 400°F. Heat water, butter and salt to rolling boil in medium saucepan. Add flour all at once; stir vigorously over low heat about 1 minute or until mixture leaves side of pan and forms a ball. Remove from heat; add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition until smooth and velvety. Drop batter by spoonfuls into 12 balls (about 1/4 cup) onto ungreased cookie sheet.

   3. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until puffed and golden brown. While puff is warm, horizontally slice off small portion of top; reserve tops. Remove any soft pieces of dough from inside puff; cool completely on wire rack. Fill puffs with CHOCOLATE CREAM FILLING. Replace tops.


      200g cups sugar
      40g HERSHEY'S Cocoa
      46.3g cup cornstarch
      1/4 teaspoon salt
      3 cups milk
      3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
      29.57 butter or margarine
      1 teaspoons vanilla extract

   1. Stir together sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt in medium saucepan; gradually stir in milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils; boil and stir 1 minute.

   2. Remove from heat; gradually stir about 1 cup hot mixture into beaten egg yolks. Return all egg mixture to saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring

constantly, just until mixture comes to a boil. Remove from heat; stir in butter and vanilla. Pour into bowl; press plastic wrap directly onto surface. Refrigerate 1 to 2 hours or until cold. Do not stir. About 3 cups filling.

      MINIATURE CREAM PUFFS: Prepare cream puff dough as directed above. Drop batter by level teaspoons onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 15 minutes. Fill as directed above. Makes about 8 dozen miniature puffs.

The batter after mixing all the ingredient

Recipe says that can make 12 but in the end we made 17pcs. Just drop one dollop at a time with 3 inch apart using a spoon.

Chocolate cream filling. Need to chill for 2 hours

Brainstorming how to decorate

At last after few hours can start filling up the puff!

My favorite part is to see how the chocolate sauce ooze out.

The best has yet to come!

How pretty they look once its assembled!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Making HERSHEY'S Tuxedo Torte Recipe/Review

Tuxedo Torte: Chocolate at the bottom, White colour is cheese. Top with Melted Hershey's Milk Chocolate. Cant decide whether u prefer chocolate or cheese? How about making both?
I am a big fan of chocolate cake! When i think of chocolate ingredients I think of Hershey!! I love the smell and taste of Hershey and when KT recommend me Hershey's recipe website I was instantly inspired to make this Tuxedo Torte because I love cheese and chocolate. Last year I kept making cheese cake. This year I wanted to learn chocolate cake. The story behind this cake is simply my transition from cheese to chocolate!

Recipe taken from Hershey's recipe website. I make minor alteration especially the amount of sugar use cause i am rather hesitant to follow their sugar content as its a little high. Originally the total sugar use is 390g. I use about 200g. I reduce a rather large amount of sugar which may affect the total volume and texture of the cake other than sweetness. Which is why i use a 8 inch springform pan instead of a 9 inch recommended by the site. I find that it is a good practice to line the bottom of the springform pan with aluminum foil and extend foil to the side to prevent any of the cake batter from leaking. I learn this the hard way when i tried another of Hershey's recipe the night before and the batter start to leak out. This round the brownie chocolate is rather compact compare with my attempt the night before (other recipe).I convert the measurement to gram. The eggs i use is in room temperature. Flour wise I may change to cake flour to experiment on next attempt cause the brownie comes out a little hard.

The taste and outlook is awesome! The lowered amt of sugar does not affect the sweetness since I do not like my dessert to be too sweet to begin with. The brownie is a little to the hard side, the cream cheese taste heavenly and the milk chocolate topping simply feels that the cake is melting in your mouth but you still be chewing something solid due to the chocolate cake at the bottom!

Chocolate Brownie
    * 113.4 g butter/margerine melted
    * 90g granulated sugar
    * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - I use my homemade vanilla extract
    * 2 eggs
    * 75g all-purpose flour - I use superfine flour instead
    * 60g HERSHEY'S Cocoa
    * 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
    * 1/4 teaspoon salt

    * 1 package (8 oz.) or about 250g cream cheese, softened
    * 100g powdered sugar. Next round can reduce to 90g.
    * 3/4 cup heavy cream, divided. 115g for cheese/57.5g for milk chocolate cream topping (Note:1 cup of cream equal 230g. Need 172.5g in total)

    * 140g Hershey's Milk Chocolate Chips


   1. Heat oven to 350°F or 176c. Line 8-inch round cake pan with foil, extending foil beyond sides. Grease foil.

   2. Stir together melted butter, granulated sugar and vanilla in large bowl. Add eggs; beat well using spoon. Stir together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt; gradually add to egg mixture, beating with spoon until well blended. Spread batter in prepared pan. (Note: Batter will rise in the middle and make the cake look uneven. On next attempt before baking, I would try to spread more batter to the side so that it look like the side is higher than the centre)

   3. Bake 25 minutes or until cake is set. (Cake is fudgey and will not test done.) Remove from oven; cool completely in pan on wire rack. (Note: I cool for an hour. After 1 hour I put the cake into fridge while preparing the cheese batter)

   4. Beat cream cheese and powdered sugar in medium bowl until well blended. Beat 1/2 cup heavy cream until stiff; gradually fold into cream cheese mixture, blending well. Spread over brownie layer. Cover; refrigerate at least 1 hour.

   5. Put the 1/4 cream and chocolate chip into a smaller pot. Smaller pot put onto a larger pot filled with a few inches of water. Switch gas to very low and stir. Cool slightly; pour and spread over cream cheese mixture.

   6. Cover; refrigerate about 2 hours or until chilled. Use foil to lift out of pan; remove foil. Cut into wedges; serve garnished with whipping topping, chocolates and chocolate candies, if desired. Cover; refrigerate leftover dessert. 10 to 12 servings.

Original site from Hershey's Tuxedo Torte

 Chocolate brownie batter. Before Pouring into pan and bake.
Putting the cream cheese mixture into the pan. Chocolate brownie at the bottom. I am so excited at this point cause it look so beautiful! After that put into the fridge to chill.

 Melted the Hershey's Milk Chocolate and heavy cream. Pour the chocolate onto the cake. Note: Once the chip melt 80-90%, switch of the fire. Take it out and keep stirring till all the chip are melted. By the time the chip melted the chocolate has cooled and can pour into the cake.

 This is how it looks the next day!! My heart pumping as I slice my knife around the rim of the springform pan to loosen the cake before opening the clasp.

 Voila! At first glance a bit disappointing cos it look like normal cheese cake with chocolate base at the bottom

 But the inside of the cake tells a different story. Can see that the chocolate and cream balancing out.

Look Beautiful and Taste Awesome!

I use this Hershey's Milk Chocolate for the topping.

Distribution time!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chocolate cake

Making chocolate cake with chocolate cream and drizzle with hershey cocoa powder.

Before putting cream on the cake, i experiment with 1 pcs first. The cake a bit dry without the cream

This is the first time i make chocolate cake! I found a recipe in my fren's book and this recipe does not require any butter. My benchmark is a little high so to me it taste a bit dry but my family ate it and they like it. My dad even took 2 pcs.

Originally this cake uses a heart shape but i use a round tin instead. I also did some modification. I replace the bittersweet cooking chocolate with Tulip Couverture.

Below recipe is the original quantity and amt

Chocolate heart
7 inch/18cm heart shaped cake pan

For the cream filling:
7oz/200g bittersweet (plain) cooking chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
1 1/3cups/300ml whipping cream

For the cake batter:
4 eggs
1/2 cups/100g sugar
1/4 cup/ 80g all purpose plain flour
1 tsp cornstarch (cornflour)
2 tbsp dark cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder

To decorate:
2 oz/50g bittersweet plain cooking chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
1 tbsp palm butter
cocoa powder

Prep and cook time: 1 hr 10min plus 4h refrigeration
1. Heat the cream, add the chopped chocolate and melt in the cream, then chill for several hours
2. Preheat the oven to 350F 9175C/gas mark 4). Line the heart shaped pan with baking parchment.
3. For the cake batter, seperate the eggs. Beat the egg yolks with half of the sugar until very creamy. Beat the egg whites with the rest of the sugar until stiff. Sieve the flour, cornstarch, cocoa and baking powder onto the egg yolk mixture, add the beaten egg whites and fold in all together.
4. Turn the batter into the lined cake pan and bake in the oven for about 30min, until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
5. Whip the chocolate cream filling until stiff. Turn the cake out of the baking pan, split twice horizontally and spread each layer with chocolate cream.
6. Reassemble the cake and dust the top layer with cocoa powder. Melt the chocolate with the palm butter in a bowl over a pan of hot water and decorate the top of the cake.