Friday, September 28, 2007

Recipe: Sambal Sotong

Today i made this dish base on the recipe from this website.

Picture: Sambal sotong

Picture: Ingredient
Ingredient: 500gm sotong (wash and cut), 2 tomato, 8 shallot, 1 onion, 4 clove garlic, 1tsp belacan + assam jawa, 3-5 spoon of cili paste (consist of homemade dried cili and bawang). 2 tsp brown sugar, 1 cup water, half-1tsp salt and oil for frying.

Prepare ingredient
- Take 1 bowl and mix water with assam. Throw away the seed.
- Grind shallot, garlic, belacan, cili paste
-Cut onion and tomato

- Add oil + stir fry paste until toasted
- Add onion, tomato, sugar and salt
- Add the squid
-When squid is half cook then add the assam jawa water (assam add last cos it will have chemical reaction in kuali if put too long)
-When squid opaque take it out (dont over cook).

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