Friday, September 28, 2007

Recipe: Steam Taucu Red Fish

Picture: Steam Taucu Fish

1st: Prepare the raw fish - fish use are call RED FISH

Picture: Raw Red Fish
- wash the fish and take out its stomach
- salt the stomach

2nd: prepare ingredient before fry sauce.
- Chop garlic
- Cili boh - take out the seed in the dry cili, blend it and add water. when done put it in plastic in a flatten position and store in freezer. the cili boh will become solid so flattening the package help when want to take out and fry. so can prepare this ingredient in advance and store in freezer.
- "Chai boh" (chinese) or reddish (english) - wash and make sure there is as little water as possible to retain the taste.
Picture: Packet of Chai boh

Picture: Chai boh
- Taucu - take out 2 spoon and pound it till fine. its original in bean form in a bottle.
Picture: Taucu is the brown color sauce

- brown sugar - 1 spoon
- assam jawa - put a bit into bowl of water and dissolve it. use finger to quicken process and throw away the seed (the assam jawa shd be brown color not black like below).

Picture: assam jawa

3rd: Steam fish for 10 min

4th: Fry sauce
- Put oil
- Put garlic
- Put the cili boh
- Put the chai boh
- Put Taucu
- Brown sugar - 1 spoon
- Liquid assam jawa
- fry and taste it. if not sour enough then put more assam jawa
- bear in mind that the fish got its own water so the sauce no need so watery

5th: Put sauce on steam fish
-ready to serve

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