Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chocolate Ice cream recipe (cook custard base)

 Chocolate ice cream. I name it Strawberry Chocolate Sunrise

15g cocoa powder - I use HERSHEY'S Cocoa
110 gram of icing sugar
1 egg
2 egg yolk
1 pinch of salt

300ml milk (I use fresh milk. Most recipe recommend Full Cream milk/whole milk)

200ml Whipping cream

1 baking sheet to cover chocolate custard surface

Preparing the Chocolate Custard
Put egg in a bowl and sieve in the icing sugar. Beat the egg till its almost white. Carefully pour in the cocoa powder. Mix it carefully with a spoon (watch out the cocoa powder is light and will spill). Beat the whole mixture till well mix. I usually beat the mixture till its a shade lighter due to the egg. Add in salt.

Heat up 300 milk in small fire. Dont bowl or simmer. Bubble start forming when its done

Pour the milk slowly into the chocolate mixture. Can choose to pour half or almost all in. While stirring the mixture, move the pot back to the stove.

Pour the mixture back into the pot.

Use low heat and continuously stir the mixture. When mixture is ready pour into a sieve to remove any egg curdle.

Tip: How to control the fire when cooking the egg custard? I cook it for about 4-6 minutes. Some recipe recommend 3 mins. Use a wooden spatula. Stir continuously while cooking. I control the fire by switching it on in low heat for a minute. Switch if off for 1 min. Switch it on for about 1 minute and switch it off again. I stir particularly vigorously at the end.

Tip: How do I know the Chocolate custard is ready? 1) When the custard coat the back of the wooden spoon. 2) Once its getting slightly harder to stir which means the custard is thickening. 3) When it stick to the bottom of your pot. When reach point 2 and 3 stop and switch off the fire.

To prevent skim from forming, cover the custard surface (that means the paper touches the surface of the custard) for about 2 hours. When its completely cool down, remove the baking sheet and pop it into the fridge/chiller overnight.

The next day, whip the cream till its peak. Pour in the chocolate custard into the whipping cream and stir gently until mix. Pop into the freezer this time and chill for 2 hours.
After storing for 2 hours in the freezer. Break the icicles by stirring with a spoon.

Break up the icicles and pour into the ice cream machine!
 Beautiful looking Chocolate ice cream. I like to churn for about half to 40mins.

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