Friday, March 25, 2011

Making my mum's Kacang Cake!

A slice of heavenly peanut cream cake! Take this photo at my car poach/garden.

The original peanut cream cake beauty
Finally after almost 27 years, I am making my mummy's kacang cake for the first time. Learn from her once last year and i am happy that i got the chance to make this cake for my friend's bday. Before settling on baking this cake I was helplessly bouncing off ideas in my head on what type of cake to make for her.

You couldnt find cake like this at bakery shop and even if you did they might not taste the same cause it take some work to roast the peanut nicely.

The cake came out beautifully with minor defects. Somehow this cake will sink a little in the middle. I make two of this cake. One is round shape and the other is square shape!

I am so excited! Since small i always pester my mum to make this cake. And when my pestering finally work, my mum always bake this cake for our birthday occasion. Now that i know how to make, I told her that i will be making this cake for her bday and everyone's bday instead! She smile, seem please, took one bite and said that i bake the cake better than hers! Yippy~!


  1. wow you really make me drool nonstop. show me more and i will drool in my sleep. De De

  2. Hehe De De...thanks for ur support~~~!! So fun making this cake~!! If can make u drool that means my photo skill is improving...hehee

  3. I should say that its both the skills that have improved. Love to see more of it...... De De 
