Friday, March 4, 2011

Chocolate overdose week!

This week I really went all out and have been making cake since Wednesday till Monday! So scary when I see the list that I have made

1. Wednesday - All-Chocolate Boston Cream Pie - This project failed. In the end just ate as normal chocolate cake. It failed because my pan was too big so I didn’t manage to put the cream. My parents love them though and finish eating all of them. (Hershey website photo)
2. Thursday/Friday - Tuxedo Torte. Took me 2 days to complete during my work day!

3. Saturday - Chocolate Sour Cream Cake (Hershey website photo). For my fren's sweetheart~!

Chocolate Sour Cream Cake! It look so beautiful! This is how it looks like sitting in the fridge after about 2 hours.
4. Sunday - Chocolate-Filled Cream Puffs (Hershey website photo) for my fren's mum bday
13 pcs of Cream puff beautifully assembled! The result better than me and ahma's expectation!
Wow the best part. To see how the chocolate look like!
5. Sunday/Monday: Chocolate Fudge-Vanilla Ice cream cake! My own method so no photo for now cause still work in progress...thinking how to finish tis....since i couldnt transport ice cream!
Bottom is chocolate brownie cake
Top is Vanilla Ice cream
Covered in Chocolate cream
6. Valentine day - Chocolate Truffles. I made this with my fren for her sweetheart. (Photo taken from book - Chocolate Food Lovers Delicious Simple Recipes For Everyday Cooking. Aleksandra Malyska)
7: Oreo Ice cream Flower pot surprise! The same one i made for u on ur bday~ the one with daisy stuck in oreo ice cream~

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