Friday, October 19, 2007

Xian chai in steam fish

The fish we will be using is white pomfret (bawal putih/bai chang). White pomfret look like its squarish at certain angle and it is a rather expensive fish but the flesh is very soft and smooth. Basically when steaming every fish we need to time it and never open the cover or else we will not get the smoothness. In this recipe i would like to state 2 way of making steam fish. Basically to add xian chai at the first recipe and not to add xian chai at the second. Both will have different taste. Alternatively we can also use Red Fish.

1 White pomfret/red fish
1 tsp Light soya sauce
2 spoon kettle water
Xian chai (optional)
Garnish with coriander leaf (optional)

-Put fish on plate
-Put oil, soya sauce, xian chai, ginger, 2 spoon water
-Get ready the steamer. When the water is boiling, put the fish in and steam for 7-10 min depending on the size of the fish. If its really big then steam for 15 min.
[Do not open cover until the required time to cook. If the fish is not cook then continue cooking]
-Garnish with corriander

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