Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chai boh kuih

Ingredient (16 cup of kuih)
4 ounce rice flour
1/2 ounce tapioca flour
1 tsp salt
2 cup water [1 hot, 1 pipe water]

-tou cheong - 1 normal (dessert) spoon
-cili boh (combination of fresh and dried cili) - 1 normal spoon
-dried prawns or ikan bilis - grind them
-2 garlic
-sugar to taste
-4 table spoon (biggest spoon)

Steamer tray, kuali, cover
alluminium cup

Prepare the kuih
-Mix all the ingredient (mixture) above and pour into measuring cup. If the cup are not full then add water.
-Put water in kuali, steamer tray and alluminium cup [wet the cup first]. Heat them up.
-Take bater and pour into cup. After pouring stir the bater with chop stick cos the floor will sink to the bottom.
-Steam for 20 min. If got water left on the kuih then pour the water away.

Prepare the sauce
-A bit of oil
-Fry garlic, cili, ikan bilis/prawn, chai boh
-Tao chiong and sugar
-add water if dry
-taste. If not sweet then add sugar

Note: lesson on spoon
smallest - teaspoon (tsp)
normal - dessert
biggest - table spoon

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