Thursday, May 27, 2010

Making Blackberry Ice cream

Blackberry Ice cream. This time the ice cream look solid as the quantity i input is less compare with previous ice cream i made

I use frozen blackberry from Sujon. Cost about RM30 in Cold Storage Jb/Malaysia. Its 1kg. The price of fresh blackberries are 170gram at RM15.90. I save a lot buying the frozen version.

The outcome is that the ice cream is a little bit too yogurty. I use about 400 grams of blackberry and 190ml of whipping cream. Next time will increase the blackberry to 500 or 600 and reduce the whipping cream. Able to increase the quantity of blackberry as i need to sieve the blackberry and get rid of the solids. I use about 6 teaspoon of sugar and less than half teaspoon of gelatin.

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