Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Making Strawberry Ice cream (Recipe)

Today I went to cold storage and bought some ingredient for ice cream. As I shop I decided to make strawberry ice cream. Cold storage sell their 250gram strawberry from USA for about RM11-12. I also found there there is frozen fruits like blueberry, strawberry, blackberry and mix berries that sell at around RM30 for 1kg. I bought the blackberry 1kg and will make blackberry ice cream next!

After coming back from home i immediately start my ice cream process. I heard a lot of great comments about the strawberry ice cream in the recipe book or making your own strawberry ice cream in general. That its not to be miss. I waited for about 40mins to churn and out comes great tasting strawberry ice cream!

Ingredients (modified to accommodate the ingredients that i can find)
-200g fresh Strawberries.
-90g caster sugar
-Half lime and half orange juice (or at least 1 tbsp lemon juice)
-To replace whole milk 225ml - I use 110 evaporated milk + 105ml water (usually its half of each milk and water)
-100ml whipping cream

---Puree strawberry/juice/milk/sugar
---Combine strawberry mixture with cream. Make sure all ingredient thoroughly mix
---I pop into the freezer for about 1. Ideally at least 1 half or 2 hours. Stir the mixture.
---Switch on the ice cream maker and pour mixture into the cooling bowl (scrap away any ice stuck on the cooling disk before start)
After freezing for about 10hours

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