Sunday, November 13, 2011

Black sesame Ice cream recipe~

I find that my basic vanilla ice cream recipe that i took from my ice cream maker manual has a few variations. Previous i tried to add in crush cookies and i get cookies and cream ice cream. This time i decided to add in black sesame seed and it still work deliciously~!

Vanilla ice cream (french style)
2 egg yolks
1 egg
125g caster sugar
5g vanilla sugar
5g corn flour 

400ml milk
2 tbsp black sesame seed (crush or pounded into powder)

150ml whipping cream
-Put A) together in a bowl. Beat with the mixer until egg yolks are almost white.
-Gently heat B). After a while you will get the fragrant smell of the black sesame seed. Add half of B) into the egg yolks and beat it with a whisk. Then pour mixture back into pot and use moderate heat to cook the custard. Dont boil as it will curdle. Stop when the custard thickens or coat the back of your spoon. You can use sieve to make sure that there is no egg curdling.
-Take out, let the mixture cool, cover with baking paper and store in fridge. Once its chilled, add the whip cream and stir till everything is mix.
-Pour into ice cream machine.

1. Replace the vanilla sugar with caster sugar then use vanilla bean or essence. Otherwise make your own Vanilla sugar. Its easy by combining vanilla bean and caster sugar. Click here --- How to make vanilla sugar?
2. Black sesame seed. Roast it in a non stick pan for few minutes. Put into a small blender and blitz it till become powder.

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