Saturday, November 12, 2011

Making cream cheese ice cream recipe~

Cream cheese ice cream decorated with streusel, whip cream and chocolate shaving~
After my cream puff project, I have tonnes of extra whip cream. I wanted to make an unusual flavor of ice cream, while flipping through my recipe book, i instantly clap eyes on cream cheese ice cream and decided to make them~ Its so fun making new flavors that i only heard in Baskin Robbins ice cream shop~ If you love cheese then you will love this ice cream but its best to match it off with some crush biscuit as eating it alone may be a tad overwhelming.

Recipe: Cream cheese ice cream
350g cream cheese
200ml milk

125g caster sugar
15g vanilla sugar
150ml whipping cream

- Whip B) till stiff.
- Combine A).  Beat till there is no more lumps.
- Fold B) into A). Pour into ice cream machine.

1. Its best to beat the cheese first then slowly incorporate the milk. I combine both at once and its quiet hard to beat as the cheese is still hard and the milk is liquid. Some of the mixture spill out.
2. Replace the vanilla sugar with caster sugar then use vanilla bean or essence. Otherwise make your own Vanilla sugar. Its easy by combining vanilla bean and caster sugar. Click here --- How to make vanilla sugar?

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