Sunday, November 13, 2011

Black sesame Ice cream recipe~

I find that my basic vanilla ice cream recipe that i took from my ice cream maker manual has a few variations. Previous i tried to add in crush cookies and i get cookies and cream ice cream. This time i decided to add in black sesame seed and it still work deliciously~!

Vanilla ice cream (french style)
2 egg yolks
1 egg
125g caster sugar
5g vanilla sugar
5g corn flour 

400ml milk
2 tbsp black sesame seed (crush or pounded into powder)

150ml whipping cream
-Put A) together in a bowl. Beat with the mixer until egg yolks are almost white.
-Gently heat B). After a while you will get the fragrant smell of the black sesame seed. Add half of B) into the egg yolks and beat it with a whisk. Then pour mixture back into pot and use moderate heat to cook the custard. Dont boil as it will curdle. Stop when the custard thickens or coat the back of your spoon. You can use sieve to make sure that there is no egg curdling.
-Take out, let the mixture cool, cover with baking paper and store in fridge. Once its chilled, add the whip cream and stir till everything is mix.
-Pour into ice cream machine.

1. Replace the vanilla sugar with caster sugar then use vanilla bean or essence. Otherwise make your own Vanilla sugar. Its easy by combining vanilla bean and caster sugar. Click here --- How to make vanilla sugar?
2. Black sesame seed. Roast it in a non stick pan for few minutes. Put into a small blender and blitz it till become powder.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cookies and cream ice cream recipe~!

Its a sunny sunday and it feels so good to chill and relax with home made cookies and cream ice cream. Since i am using Oreo cookies, you can also call this Oreo ice cream.

I got the recipe from my Philip machine recipe book by combining vanilla ice cream with crush oreo cookies. It is a french style vanilla ice cream whereby you have to cook the egg into custard and required chilling. Off course there is also the "instant type" of vanilla ice cream that doesn't require cooking. I find that the flavor in french style is more pronounce and mix well with cookies and cream. Below measurement is for my Philip ice cream maker. If your ice cream machine has bigger capacity, feel free to increase the amount.

If you dont have vanilla sugar, you can replace with caster sugar and use vanilla bean/normal vanilla essence. For me i use vanilla sugar as i have made it in the pass. It is really easy to make. Click on the link on --- How to make your own vanilla sugar?

Vanilla ice cream (french style)
2 egg yolks
1 egg
125g caster sugar
5g vanilla sugar
5g corn flour

400ml milk

150ml whipping cream

6 pcs of Oreo cookies

-Put A) together in a bowl. Beat with the mixer until egg yolks are almost white.
-Gently heat B). Add half the heated milk into the egg yolks and beat it with a whisk till combine. Then pour egg custard into the milk and use moderate heat to cook the custard. Dont boil as it will curdle. Stop when the custard thickens or coat the back of your spoon. You can use sieve to make sure that there is no egg curdling.
-Take out, let the mixture cool, cover with baking paper and store in fridge. Once its chilled, stir in C)
-Pour into ice cream machine.

To make it into cookies and cream ice cream, crush D). Bag the oreo in a plastic bag and thwack it with a rolling pin till its finely crush. When the ice cream is almost ready, slowly add in the crush oreo biscuit and mix for 5 minutes.

Cream and cookies ice cream - DONE~!

Making cream cheese ice cream recipe~

Cream cheese ice cream decorated with streusel, whip cream and chocolate shaving~
After my cream puff project, I have tonnes of extra whip cream. I wanted to make an unusual flavor of ice cream, while flipping through my recipe book, i instantly clap eyes on cream cheese ice cream and decided to make them~ Its so fun making new flavors that i only heard in Baskin Robbins ice cream shop~ If you love cheese then you will love this ice cream but its best to match it off with some crush biscuit as eating it alone may be a tad overwhelming.

Recipe: Cream cheese ice cream
350g cream cheese
200ml milk

125g caster sugar
15g vanilla sugar
150ml whipping cream

- Whip B) till stiff.
- Combine A).  Beat till there is no more lumps.
- Fold B) into A). Pour into ice cream machine.

1. Its best to beat the cheese first then slowly incorporate the milk. I combine both at once and its quiet hard to beat as the cheese is still hard and the milk is liquid. Some of the mixture spill out.
2. Replace the vanilla sugar with caster sugar then use vanilla bean or essence. Otherwise make your own Vanilla sugar. Its easy by combining vanilla bean and caster sugar. Click here --- How to make vanilla sugar?

Project cupcake~

Chocolate cupcake

Vanilla cupcake
Having fun baking cupcake~ this both is one of my earlier attempt in making cupcake~ as time constraint the chocolate cup cake which should be covered by chocolate cream, ended up i use vanilla butter cream instead~ feed back was very good but i find that vanilla suit well for vanilla cupcake and chocolate cream suit for chocolate cup cake~

Best and worse chocolate chip in Malaysia and Singapore

I have been quiet crazy in making chocolate chip cookies recently and I find that different chocolate chip produce different results. So far my favorite is the HERSHEY'S Mini Chips Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips bought in Singapore~ i wish that JB supermarket would sell this though~ but i couldn't find it in jb~ whenever i want to restock i would buy 4 packs per trip as I know i will use a lot~

Below is my opinion whether i will try again the chocolate chip or to stay away from them

1. (10 over 10) My favorite is this HERSHEY'S Mini Chips Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips bought in Singapore. The size of the chip is smaller than usual and able to spread more evenly in the batter. As the chips is smaller, my baking will usually look more appealing as its entirely covered by mini chips. It taste great and look great. So far i tried a few chocolate chip and i couldn't find one that could replace this yet~

2. HERSHEY'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
I use this chip before the mini ones. Its the same flavor and taste but bigger in size than number 1. As the chip is bigger, the cookies or muffins will looks like they have lesser chips on it. (7 over 10)

 3. HERSHEY'S Milk Chocolate Chips
I bought this 1 time and it took me a few years to finish it really~! Cause i use it the first time and find it too sweet for baking. Unsure what to do with it, i chuck it at one corner of my fridge. In the end i use it for my chocolate chip cookies and would never buy this again. Perhaps this chip has its own purpose that I have not manage to find out yet.

3. Nona Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
Tried this once and i regret buying it. I bought it in Tesco KSL city and i am not sure why they carry many of Nona's line of bakery product. Many of Nona's line is more expensive than other brands with moderate quality. The taste of this chip is appalling - i couldn't really taste any good chocolate flavor in it. And they ended up making my chocolate chip cookies sweeter than normal though i have reduce the sugar. Better to avoid this entirely.

I would try to update this post if i manage to try any new chocolate chips. Meanwhile if you have tried any, feel free to comment and recommend good ones and to avoid bad ones~~